When the Sky Says Africa

When the Sky Says Africa

It was about 2007 and my girls had just come home from dance. Theresa was in high school, Catherine, middle school. Cath was running down the stairs after dropping her dance bag in her room.

“This is the song of . . . I FORGOT,” Cath sang as if she were a drum. And then again, and again. The phrase was in her head from the class she had just left.

Theresa heard her the second or third time she boomed out the line. “Cath, it’s this is the song of AF-RI-CA!”

The three of us stood all facing each other and for a moment thought about that. AF-RI-CA. I-FOR-GOT.

The mistake is understandable for a 12-old-girl. But over the years, it became more poignant.

This land and its many songs are spiritual. Yet, it has been forgotten by many and misused by nearly everyone, which brings me to where I am today. The Siyafunda Endangered Species Reserve in northeast South Africa exists to help recover wild game endangered due to greed, apathy, ignorance. And memory loss.

But there is good news. And I have pictures. Starting with a cloud shaped like the continent of Africa that hung low in the sky afternoon. We all saw it and turned at the same time. My fellow volunteers and our field guide. And we felt the significance. When the sky says Africa, you sit up and take note.

And there is other good news evidence. I’m posting pictures of the thriving animals I’ve seen during my first four days on the reserve. I pray that you’ll be touched as I am and remember to never forget.

5 thoughts on “When the Sky Says Africa

  1. Anne : thank you for sharing your journey to the Mother land, the pictures are great, looking forward to seeing more and reading about the daily activities.

  2. “WHEN THE SKY SAYS AFRICA ” & so did you’re heart ♡
    Anne Marie you are doing an awesome job with your blogs as they have been very interesting
    Please keep them coming (as I add each new one to my started collection)

  3. “WHEN THE SKY SAYS AFRICA ” & so did you’re heart ♡
    Anne Marie
    Please keep them coming (as I add each new one to my started collection)

    1. “WHEN THE SKY SAYS AFRICA ” & so did you’re heart ♡
      Anne Marie
      Please keep them coming (as I add each new one to my started collection)
      Love the photos also !

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